Hair Aisle Junky


I have about a drop of Giovanni Triple Treat Shampoo left. However, I still have a few bottles of other shampoo sitting in my medicine cabinet. So please tell me, why do I feel the need to detour down the hair aisle and grab this shampoo and conditioner? (bows head in shame). Ugh drug store hair aisle be damned!

Any way, I did want to try a creamy shampoo lately, as all of mine are clear liquid shampoos (coughs: excuses). I haven’t really used Garnier Fructic shampoo or conditioner, since my relaxed days. I’m wondering how it will work out. In any case, I’ll give these a try this weekend and report back with results. I can always give them to hubby if they don’t do anything for me. Have you ever tried Garnier products? Is your shampoo cream or liquid-based?

A blessing in disguise!

I receive so many emails and comments from readers that sound a little like this:

“Help, I have low porosity hair!” “Ugh, I’m about to relax or texlax this situation, because this low porosity hair is no joke” “My hair is dry and dead, because it’s low porosity” “My hair will never grow, because it’s low porosity”

I would like to say to everyone lamenting over their low porosity hair, you should be celebrating.

  • You have beautiful, healthy and low to no damage hair. Next to normal porosity, low porosity hair is considered very healthy, because once it receives the necessary moisture, it thrives and retains the moisture.
  • Low porosity hair that is well moisturized glows and shines.
  • Once you figure out what works for your hair, it will grow to great lengths and look healthy

You should consider this hair as a blessing. It might not be where you want it to be now. However, once you give your low porosity hair the key ingredients, regimen and environment that it needs. It will thrive and it will shine like a star. The key is just application and patience.

Don’t worry, it will grow as well. For inspiration see vloggers: and

Next time you think about getting a relaxer or texlaxer, because you’re tired of your low porosity hair. Just remember, low porosity hair takes longer to process than normal or high porosity and it’s more difficult to process. While possible, this might not be considered an easy solution.

So with that being said, embrace your lo-po hair and let’s keep finding ways to keep it moisturized and healthy.

Were you excited or disappointed when you found out you had low porosity hair?

Dabney’s Hair Story

Hello readers!

I’d like to share a natural hair story from a lovely reader, Dabney:


How long have you been natural?


I have been natural since 1991.


Why did you decide to go natural?

After high school, I decided that I wanted to chop off all my hair because I was tired of trying to keep up with the hair trends. I went to college with 3 in. of hair and I was happy! My hair never got particularly long. I was more interested in curl definition. However , it once grew to chin length and then broke off. I have big chopped several times over the years, I have dyed it and braided it  as well. My biggest issue has always been severe dryness and breakage. Recently, I cut my hair off and dyed it red. I loved it until my hair started to split into tree branches. I had to big chop four inches from my 6in hair! I said that is it! I need to get my hair’s health back. When I was in Salzburg in the summer the humidity helped my hair stay moisturized and soft. I came home put it in box braids again and slowly my hair began to return.

How did you find out your hair was low porosity?

Through Pinterest I found several helpful pins on natural hair care. They helped a little but the dryness was still there. Then I came upon the theory of Porosity.I did the  porosity test and found my hair is low porosity. I was on the attack! This was the reason for the dryness!

What’s your low porosity hair care regimen?

I was using the wrong types of oils on my hair. After cleaning out my product shelf, I switched from heavy oils to light oils and liquid moisturizers that were water based. I clean my hair with a co-wash, rinse it with baking soda and water, and seal it with grape seed and wheat germ oil and voilà, moisturized soft hair! It isn’t greasy and doesn’t feel like paper!


Thanks Dabney, for this wonderful story and your great tips! If readers want more of Dabney’s luscious hair, you can find her on the web:

If you’d like to share your story, please contact me.


Funniest Coily Hair Moments

  1. That time I jumped on a chair and screamed for my husband to come and kill the huge spider  moving across the kitchen floor. Yep, that was actually some shed hair and not at all a spider. We both got a good laugh out of that one.
  2. The time I was pulling my hair up into a bun, after wearing it down all day and happened to find a few hair pins. It was like an emergency storage or something. Guess if I had a pat down at airport security, they’d probably question me about the  strange tools I “store” in my hair #Bighairdontcare #CanTSAputsomeleaveinontheirhandsbeforethatpatdownthough
  3. The time I was walking through a forest with friends and could no longer go forward, because a branch got stuck in my hair.
  4. Today when my cat jumped up on the bathtub edge, grabbed my ball of shed hair and started kicking it around like a pro soccer player. #Atleastsomeoneisenjoyingmypostpartumshedding

What are some of your funniest hair (curly, straight, shaved, etc.) moments?


Super Moisturizing Hair Cocktail

The other day, my hair was on day 5 post wash. It was starting to look a little limp and dry. To refresh and keep it hydrated, I decided to give my hair a little face lift, using a special mix of ingredients that a reader recommended.

I put some water in a spray bottle, a little leave-in (Kinky Curly Knot Today) and a tiny amount of glycerin. I separated my hair in four sections and lightly sprayed each one with my special cocktail. The idea is to dampen the hair slightly, not to soak it. Especially since wanted to keep my definition. For more shine, I added Garnier Fructis Sleep Sleek and Shine (Freudian sleep slip, can’t believe I just wrote sleep accidentally twice, guess I’m not getting much of that these days). Anyway, next, I finger coiled each large section in the back and tuck my ends under the my hair and pinned each section. The two front sections, I placed in bantu knots. Finally I wrapped my hair in a satin scarf and finished getting ready while it “marinated”. After about 25 – 30 minutes, I took my hair down. It was touchably soft, shiny and had lots of volume.

So if you’re looking for a quick moisturizing tip before wash day rolls around, I highly recommend this method. How do you moisturize your hair post-wash day?


















Mud Slinging Spa Day

Ahh, this weekend I got to have a morning full of pampering. I decided to do a rhassoul clay hair mask (see earlier posts). Even though I also spent part of my morning cleaning mud off my shower, it was so worth it! My hair was easy to detangle, my curls bounced with new energy and my hair felt soft and supple. I followed the rhassoul clay treatment with my new favorite deep conditioner, Aussie Moist Minute Miracle. Even with all the strands of hair I shed, nothing could rain on my parade, my hair and spirit felt so good (now that’s some real deeeeep conditioning).

The postpartum shedding continues, but it has calmed down a bit.

After my mini DIY spa hair treatment, I did my lazy beach wave twists. Can I tell you how much I love the ease of this style?? It takes me literally 15 minutes to put in about 10 – 12 twists and I can move on with my day. It’s great. I always follow-up with 15 minutes under my hooded dryer, to help my leave-in (KCKT) penetrate my hair and set the style.

So here are the results of my lazy, beach bum twist out using rhassoul clay. Oh I also put grape seed oil on my ends and some Garnier Fructis Sleek & Shine on the rest of my hair. I think this is really helping with the sheen. I’m on day 2 now and now that I leave my ends alone at night, they feel healthier than ever. Who would have thought re-twisting my ends at night was more harmful than helpful.

Got any tricks or tips for shinier, healthier hair? Do share. What was the last spa treatment you gave your hair?



Top 5 New Parent Pet Peeves


Things I hear and see as a new parent, which annoy me. (many of these come from complete strangers)

1. Let’s hold hands little one.

My response: Hey stranger, while I appreciate your enthusiasm and the positive energy you’re showing towards my baby. Please don’t rub or touch his hands. He sticks his hands in his mouth all the time and I don’t know where your hands have been! In fact, I don’t even know you. There’s this little thing called personal space. Do you think you can respect it? I would be weirded out if someone I didn’t know came up to me and held my hand, wouldn’t you? Let’s slow things down a bit, how about a simple “hi” or a smile, heck even a little baby babble would be preferred.

2. Are you going to breastfeed that child until he’s 20?? In my day, we smoked, drank wine and our kids turned out just fine. We also breastfed for a couple of months. Longer than that is just unneccessary.

My response: When are my boobs and what come out of them any of your business? My child is 4 months old, I nourish him and give him antibodies to keep him strong and healthy– end of story! On the bright side, if my boobs are the major concern in your life now, I’d say you’re doing pretty well for yourself. (I’m just a glass is always half full kind-a-girl, I guess)

3. Wow, he’s so cute and handsome (this isn’t a pet peeve). Caramel skin and blue eyes, oh my gosh. How did that happen? They’ll probably change to brown, right? What’s he mixed with? His hair is straight, you both have curly hair. His hair will probably be curly or kinky, I’m sure.

My response: He’s mixed with his Mom and Dad. His eyes are his as is his hair. They can do whatever they please and I wouldn’t care, I’m head over the heel in love with my child regardless of those things. Let’s stop obsessing over what features a baby should and shouldn’t have and just enjoy them for the plump, adorable little creatures they are.

4. (When my son cries) Did you burb him? He’s probably hungry, feed him!

My response: Side eye and keep on moving.

5. My all time favorite: so when are you going to have a second one?

My response: Oh I’m sorry, you didn’t read the newsletter? Guess you’ll have to go back and refer to that one to find out. I mean really, raising a life is one of the most challenging and humbling things I’ve ever done. I’m enjoying not carrying around a belly the size of a basketball at the moment. Let me enjoy my baby as is without the pressure and stress of thinking about that.

Cure for Dry Ends

When I style my hair in a twist/braid out, it’s usually soft and moisturized the first day. However, on day two my ends are particularly dry. This dryness increases as days go by. Recently, I started a different night-time regimen to keep my style and keep my ends moisturized.

In a previous post, I mentioned that I usually put my hair in a few large braids the night prior and then wear a satin scarf. Now, every night and morning I lightly spritz my ends with water using a spray bottle. Instead of braiding all my hair I leave about an inch unbraided. I then spritz the unbraided hair with water and pin it down. If I don’t braid my hair, I can also get good results by loosely wrapping my hair (if you ever had relaxed hair then you probably are familiar with this nighttime technique). Again, before I wrap my hair, I lightly spritz my ends with water. The next day, I spray them with water again to refresh my ends. If I wear my hair up, I make sure to tuck all my ends away. This is almost like a deep conditioner and when I take my hair down, my ends are damp and touchably soft.

This method works really well for me, even better than simply applying a leave-in. Although, half-way through the week, I do add more leave-in to condition my ends. But the key for me really is water.

The ends are the oldest and most vulnerable part of our hair, so it’s important to keep them well protected. How do you protect your ends?

Have a great Easter weekend everyone!

Mullet to Bob: How to

So, I’m not sure if I’ve discussed my mullet days on this blog. I probably mentioned it at some point, but after cutting off my relaxed hair, I went through an awkward phase. My hair was way longer in the back than the front (it was rave in the back and super professional in the front, read: mullet). Now, I was obsessed with growth and long hair when I first chopped my hair off. So the only cutting I ever did was trimming my dead ends. This is still my philosophy to this day. Although, these days I’m not concentrating on growth, I just let my hair be.

Back then during my mullet days, I would envy  many bloggers I saw that would simply avoid the awkward look by getting a gorgeous hair cut, getting layers or just chopping it all off again. This just wasn’t an option for me, living in Europe, where most people aren’t used to washing, let alone cutting my hair type. I wasn’t going to play stylist to myself either.

So, during my awkward phase, which I’d say lasted almost one year, I just pinned my hair back and found creative ways to work with my hair. I’m very happy that I did this, because my once naturally awkward two level hair and very slow-growing front section is starting to catch up. The mullet, I was hiding with bobby pins, hair elastics and headbands has now grown into a nice bob. And I loves me a good bob. That’s one hair style that I will never get sick of. Curly, straight or wavy, I just love seeing women rock a sassy bob, heck men too for that matter. Guess it’s my appreciation for 1920’s fashion. In any case, what I’m saying is. If you are on a growth journey and are going through an awkward mullet phase, hang in there. Of course you could cut it, but if that’s not an option for you. Find creative ways to work around the mullet, keep your hair healthy and keep trimming it and eventually it’ll grow into a style of its own. Well, that’s if your hair, line mine, grows slower in the front than the back.

What was your most awkward hair style? Did you ever cut your own hair? I always feel like I can just grab a pair of scissors and whip out a nice style, but I think I’d end up looking like Edward Scissor Hands…

Shiny Beach Waves

So, if you follow my blog, you know that I’m experiencing postpartum shedding. I’m not letting it get me down, as dramatic as I sounded in the earlier post. It’s just a phase and I know it’ll pass. The past couple of days, I tried pulling out shed hairs every day. This has reduced tangling, matting and frizz.

Friday night I decided to give my hair a thorough cleanse. I was long overdue for a wash. I decided to do a semi-clarifying shampoo with Giovanni Triple Treat Shampoo. This time I tried something different and put conditioner on my soaking wet ends, then proceeded to shampoo my scalp. I gave my scalp a vigorous scrub with the pads of my fingers to break up dirt and build-up. Shampooing my conditioned hair made detangling easier and left my hair more moisturized– win-win situation! After this I put on Aussie Moist 3 Minute Repair (amazing deep conditioner, btw) and added coconut oil on top of this (see posts: 1, 2 ,3 on reverse oil rinsing). My shed hairs of course flowed down the drain like a stream of water, but better out of my hair than tangled in my hair. Note: since I’m experiencing extreme shedding, I’m back to washing my hair in 4 sections. It makes detangling more manageable.

For the styling phase, I simply applied a generous amount of KCKT leave-in and applied Garnier Fructis Sleek and Shine. My sister forgot her bottle here on her last visit, so I just decided to give it a try. After this, I installed four chunky twists in each section. This is my lazy, wavy twist out method….fewer twists and less time (see post on Beach Waves). I then sat under my hooded dryer to let the leave-in penetrate and dry my hair half-way. The next day, I was left with a less frizzier look than usual and my hair was remarkably shinier. My hair has been quite dull the past couple of weeks. I credit the shiny results this week to: the clarifier, meticulously removing all my shed hairs, reverse oil rinsing and perhaps the Garnier Fructis Sleek and Shine. I’ll give this method another try to see if I get the same results.

The weeks prior, because I was low on time, I tried co-washing for two weeks. I don’t know why I never learn my lesson, but co-washing just doesn’t yield good results for me. I guess I’m always revisiting past routines that failed in hopes that it suddenly will work again. Do you find yourself too trying things again that consistently yielded poor results in the past?


