And the winner is….

I’m two days late for my giveaway announcement, my apologies, but no time like the present, right….

I wrote down all the names of people who commented on Leave-Out: Naked Hair (and one other post), on a piece of paper, put them in a hat and pulled one out. The winner of a lovely bag of organic rhassoul clay is….*drum roll*:



Congratulations! Please email me @ with your address so I can send the rhassoul clay your way. Thanks to everyone who participated!

Leave-Out: Naked Hair

Lately, my hair has been in such a bad state guys. It has been dry, lifeless and dull. No matter what I do. My wash and go experiment last week– total failure. My day two hair was helmet-y, lackluster and undefined. I tried revisiting Curlformers to try something different, but I ended up with a horrible set. Not even worth blogging about. And not just that… a total waste of time. I did get a good twist out, from my stretched, curl-former style. So, I liken them to curl stretchers more than formers.

As many of you know I often praise my all-star hair care product, rhassoul clay on this blog. Each time I use it, I’m left with amazingly hydrated, plump coils and curls. Sometimes, I’m almost afraid to use a leave-in, for fear of reversing all the goodness that comes from using the rhassoul. Most times, I just forego this idea and add my leave-in. My hair does change slightly. I notice slight frizz, weighed down curls and a little less clumping. Well, last night after washing my hair at an ungratefully late hour, I decided to skip the leave-in.

I’d just followed my shampoo and protein treatment, with a rhassoul mask and my hair was on fleek (I’ve been dying to use this expression). Any way, I took a plunge after some hesitation and lightly coated my hair with coconut oil, concentrating mostly mid-shaft down to my ends. Then, I twisted my hair, sat under a bonnet dryer for a short time, wrapped and went to sleep. What I woke up to?

Extremely soft, moisturized hair that held the curls nicely. I was absolutely thrilled. It’s the end of the day and my hair is still soft and moisturized. I’ll probably add some leave-in to my hair, when it feels dry, but for now, I’m very content with its current state.

Some things I noticed about my hair sans leave-in:

  1. drying time was much faster
  2. it was bouncier than usual
  3. it feels softer and more hydrated than it ever did

If I’m on to something here, this means major savings for my wallet and a faster routine. Stay tuned. Maybe my fine, but dense low porosity hair, just does not like heavy cream based products.

Have you every skipped the leave-in conditioner?

Speaking of rhassoul clay. I’ll be giving away a bag of organic rhassoul clay to a reader based in Europe, US or Canada. To enter, subscribe to the blog, comment on at least two posts on this blog. Entries close the 25th of February.

Good luck!





Happy 2 Year Anniversary

It’s my blog-a-versary. Yay! Can’t believe it’s already been two years. This blog is my second child (although sometimes neglected, lol). You’re all like family and I thank you for staying with me and joining me on the road to healthy low porosity hair. I’m going to try to do a give-a-way later this year, so stay tuned!

I’m wondering who’s my longest subscriber? Has anyone subscribed to lowporosityhaircare since February 2013?

Who snatched my edges though?

Pregnancy, that’s who. The dreaded day has come. For a couple of months I thought I had escaped its ugly grip. Thought I’d continue living my life and motherhood with that thick head of hair and intact edges I’d come to appreciate. Think again! postpartum shedding is no joke people. I mean, I literally watched what felt like half my hair collect in my bathtub when I washed my hair two weeks ago. Not gonna lie, I kind of ugly cried.

My hair is still very dense, so it doesn’t look thinned out. However, my temples and edges are really thin. See: that horrifying picture of Naomi Campbell that was going around the web, if you haven’t already. I’ve heard this is normal, as during pregnancy, hormones send your hair into a growth phase and it sheds less. After birth that all changes. It’s kind of scary, I thought at one point, Id emerge from the shower bald.

The thing that bugs me most is the fact that most of the shedding comes from my edges and temples. So for the moment, I’m sporting comb overs, comb forwards and comb all arounds to manage that situation. I don’t pull my hair back completely anymore . And since I don’t really have the time to come up with an anti-shedding regimen for the time being I just use some quick fixes.

So I thought I’d share my quick fixes:

  • Be gentle – try conditioners with a lot of slip or mud wash, finger detangle or just detangle gently.
  • Stretch – Keep your hair in gentle, stretched styles. This makes detangling easier. Wash n gos increase tangles, which could lead to breakage and more shedding.
  • Essential oils and massage – Massage a little diluted peppermint or tea tree essential oils into your temples or throw some in your shampoo or hair wash.
  • Wash regularly – wash your hair once per week. The longer you go between washes the more shed hairs collect. You still probably lose the same amount, but psychologically it’s easier to see less hair go down the drain.
  • Comb over, forward and all around – It’s like a mini-makeover. Suddenly, you’ll have people asking you. Did you do something different with your hair? Why yes, I’ve essentially styled it in a bird nest to hide my balding temples.
  • Relax – Easier said than done. However, if you have a free 10 – 20 minutes per day, use this time to clear your mind and think positive thoughts. I do this just before going to bed and in the shower.
  • Inside out – Drink plenty of water and eat your veggies and fruits
  • Exercise to get increase circulation – I incorporate my baby into my fitness routine (peek-a-boo crunches/sit-ups, 14lb reps with my baby as my weights, long walks with the stroller, squats to calm a crying baby).

Well, pregnancy hair was beautiful while it lasted. I guess I got used to losing only one or two strands of hair during that phase. #youdontknowhowgoodyouhaveituntilitsgone

What do you do to combat postpartum shedding or any shedding for that matter?

Low Porosity Hair Care Giveaway!

Hi Everyone,

Tomorrow is the last day for you to enter the giveaway. This weekend, one lucky reader will receive a bag of organic rhassoul clay and my favorite leave-in, Kinky Curly Knot Today. I’ll enter all your names into a hat and select the first name drawn as the winner. Remember, to be eligible you have to leave one comment on this post. Once the winner is selected, I’ll contact him or her per email and request their mailing address.

Good luck!


Give Away: Low Porosity Products

Today is the 1 year anniversary of this blog. Looking back, it’s been an amazing journey. I’ve connected with people from all over the world, received amazing feedback and support.

Some of my new goals for this blog is to give it a face lift, to increase communication and exchange with readers (i.e. more comments and contributions from readers).

To celebrate, I’ll be doing my first giveaway. I’ll give away a couple of my favorite low porosity hair products. To qualify to win, all you need to do is comment on this post. I will randomly select a winner at the end of the month. Please note, you can only comment once to qualify. This giveaway will only take place if this post gets at least 20 comments (from individual readers) by the end of this month #workingtowardsgoals. So pass this post along to friends and have them comment away.

UPDATE: this giveaway is open to readers from around the world.

Long time, no see

Hi Readers,

Just want to pop in to say hi. I know I haven’t posted in a while, but there are some posts coming up soon:

⭐Updated hair regimen
⭐Nighttime routine to maintain styles
⭐Tips for surviving the awkward stage
⭐How to develop a consistent regimen
⭐Why I choose not to henna my lopo hair
⭐Product giveaway!

Any other ideas?

Also, if you’d like your hair story, product review, DIY hair recipes, questions to readers, etc. posted on the blog, please send them per email.

Thanks to all my readers for your continued exchange, support and encouragement!