Rhassoul Quick Wash Recipe

I’m holed up in the bathroom right now, doing a quick deep conditioner, while baby girl is sleeping and daddy is entertaining the not so little peanut.

I write about rhassoul clay pretty much all the time. It’s the real MVP, an all around product that can be used as a facial cleanser, hair wash, deep conditioner, etc. I usually do a hair mask, but with two kids, applying the mask can take time. Making sure every strand is coated, letting it sit on my hair for a bit before proceeding with my routine. Now, I tend to do a rhassoul wash more than a hair mask, because it’s quicker and less messy, but mostly because it’s a short process. A rhassoul wash is my remplacement shampoo, so I always follow it up with a conditioner or deep conditioner, which isn’t always the case with the mask.

I thought I’d share my mixture for my wash. It differs a lot from the mask, because it’s mostly water and has more ACV. The goal with the wash is to cleanse the scalp. Although a minimal amount of rhassoul is used here, I still reap the benefits of soft, tangle free hair.

Rhassoul Quick Wash Recipe

  • 3/4 – 1c water
  • 2 TBSP ACV
  • 3 TBSP rhassoul

Apply to wet hair, close to the scalp, massage scalp in circular motions with the pads of your fingers, rinse and you can detangle as you’re rinsing if you’d like.

I followed this with a reverse oil rinse deep conditioner, which I’m doing right now as I write you.

Side note- I’ve gone through post-partum shedding before, but it seems much more severe this round, because my hair wasn’t as thick this pregnancy. Well, I’ll carry on deep conditioning the three strands of hair this pregnancy has left me. =)

Have you ever tried rhassoul clay? If so, what are your favorite ways to use it?

I’ll have some exciting news towards the end of this year. I can’t really share it with you now, although I’m itching to, but there will be some big changes happening for lowporosityhaircare.


Happy weekend!

2nd day hair pic (selfie and nursing —being a mom has made me a pro multi tasker). Just to show my post partum thinning. 


Mom Regimen and Life Hacks

Now that I’m a mother of two, I’ve adjusted my regimen to accommodate. You can still refer to my regimen page for a look into my normal routine. I hope to get back to that one when things calm down–one can dream right?

So this is what my hair routine and beauty hacks look like.

1. Hair

blog post


Weekly washes have turned to every other weekly washes. To revive my hair and get a fresh look for week two. I detangle my stretched hair, slightly dampen it with my wet fingers, put on a tiny bit of leave-in, coat the section in a light oil, twist it up and go to sleep. The next day, I take it out and fluff my root. Results: Shiny, fluffy hair.

For some reason, I get more shine and less frizz doing this. Probably because my hair is styled on stretched hair, using very little water. Since my hair is stretched, it’s also easier to distribute the product and oil. This will help me get through another 5 – 7 days without having to wash.

TOTAL TIME: 20 minutes.

2. Clothes

I haven’t been shopping in a long time. I have some pudge left over from the birth of my little girl. I’m okay with these two things. I only want to shop for items that are timeless and that will survive different stages of life with me. Better for the planet and my wallet– quality over quantity. I’m working out and that keeps me healthy and will help me lose some of the pudge. Although, I want to keep some of it, this pregnancy has blessed me with more butt and curves, which I’ve always wanted. LOL!

Back to the topic– To avoid looking like I just rolled out of bed and threw on the first thing I saw — which I’ve done a lot, I pair some effortless clothes with some statement pieces and do lots of layering.

Layers work well for nursing on-the-go. It gives me privacy and gives my little ones extra warmth. Like the cardigan I’m wearing in the photo above from Zara. I paired it with a loose, cropped satin tank and high waisted distressed skinny jeans. The tank hides my belly pooch and the high waisted jeans lengthen my legs and also helps suck in the belly. Just want to add my ripped jeans look, which are all the rave now, are DIY. Step one: play race cars with your toddler while crawling around on your knees and voila. I always, always, always wear a pair of flats or flat soled boots– it’s all about functionality.

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If you pulled an all nighter, throw on some sunglasses and you’re good to go.


3. Beauty

I give myself a time limit for getting ready. I have to be done with shower, hair, clothes and make-up in 20- 25 minutes. This is my time limit if I decide to wake up before my kids and get ready. My make-up routine is 5 minutes and it’s minimal. My goal is to get a fresh, slept-8 to 10 hours-look. I splash my face with cold water, tone with witch hazel and hydrate with jojoba oil. Then I put concealer under my eye, bronzer at the top of my cheek bones and blush on the apples of my cheeks, I throw on a neutral eye shadow, a couple of coats of mascara and I’m good to go. I don’t use foundation. This method gives me a fresh, awake face. If I don’t have time for a full 5 minute routine. I just do mascara, concealer and blush.


4. Mind

I wake up about 10 minutes earlier than planned and either read a few pages of a book or focus on my breathing and the feeling I have in that moment. I’m trying to really enjoy being in the moment. I’m a natural planner and as soon as my feet hit the ground, I know what I’m doing three days from that moment. So my goal is to remember to live the here & now, especially with my little ones.

Your turn: What are your life hacks to save time in the four areas I mentioned (hair, clothes, beauty and mind)? Whether you have kids or not, I’d love to hear from you.