Life Updates: Job Changes, Blog, etc.

Hi All!

In an earlier blog post, I mentioned that I would have some exciting news for my blog readers and subscribers in December. However, I’m coming a little earlier to share the news. No I’m not pregnant. =)

Blogging is something I enjoy immensely. I love the exchange I have with all of you. The research that I get to do when writing articles on natural hair. Discovering other blogs out there and reading about interesting perspectives. Photographing my natural hair journey and sharing some parts of my life with you. The only thing I regret is that I can’t do it on a regular basis. And that I can’t share more of my life with you.

I know I don’t share a lot of me with you guys and there’s a reason. When I started writing I had a job in which my public identity was very important to my role and the company’s corporate image. I don’t think I had enough of a following  that someone in my professional-sphere would be able to find me online, but I preferred to be safer than sorry. Thus, I used an online name— Annabel and tried to keep my personal details to a limit.

I’ve been toying with the idea of a career change for quite some time now. So a year back, I decided to start saving and making provisions to be able to take a year off to pursue my curiosity and passion. That leads me to December. I’ve given my notice at my company and will be leaving at the end of the year to devote 2017 to developing my own business. It’s a scary thing and I’m having to learn how to put myself out there, share and promote what I believe in. It’s never an easy thing, especially for me, I’m quite candid and introverted, but I believe so strongly in this that I’m starting to be comfortable with being uncomfortable.

My venture won’t be blogging, even though I will still continue blogging on natural hair (on a new platform though), as I love it dearly. So what will this business be? Well… you’ll have to stay tuned to find out more or you could follow me on Instagram to get a sneak peak. At the moment, I am working on product development and website design. I hope to launch part of the site this month, in particular my blog, which will be available in English and my roughly translated French. And the rest of the site at the end of the year.

In the meantime, please do follow me on Instagram:

Thank you for all of your positivity, contributions, exchange, continual encouragement, kind words and readership. You’ve all inspired me in so many ways.


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