Parenting Hair Tips

I’m still here. I still have hair and low porosity hair at that. My posts are not as frequent as before, because I’m enjoying being a mommy to my little peanut and learning about my new role as a mom.

I have so much respect for parents. I mean, some people make it look so effortless. Parenting changes your life in so many ways (good ways, mostly). No day is identical and each day is a new discovery, not only for me but for my son. Thus, my hair regimen changes regularly. I’m lucky if I can wash my hair once per week. Rhassoul clay weekly washes have become monthly hair spa treatments. Deep conditioners and oil rinses– what are those! Although I don’t have time for all of those wonderful (yet lengthy) healthy hair practices. I still try to do an abbreviated version.

So here’s my list of tips for busy low porosity moms (or anyone for that matter) on the go.

1. Larger sections. Wash and condition hair in two sections instead of four sections.

2. Shampoo to reset your hair. No time for weekly mud washes? Find a gentle cleansing shampoo that will do the job and cleanse your hair once per. I don’t really co-wash, because I find my hair needs a weekly reset.

3. Quick DCs. No time for a deep conditioner? Dilute a bottle with half conditoner and water, apply it to soaking wet hair, detangle, let it sit for a few minutes while you continue with your shower rituals – semi quick deep conditioner. Sit under a blow dryer after applying your leave-in and styling your hair. I find this leaves me with more moisturized hair and helps the leave-in penetrate my hair.

4. Care for your ends! Seal your ends with an oil to keep them protected. Every other night, dampen your ends or apply a leave-in (with water as the main ingredient), to your ends. I use Shea Moisture Curl Enhancing Smoothie to do the trick.

5. KISS. Do simple styles. If I have time I will do a twist out or braid out. If not, I put my hair in a bun and do a twist out on a few strands of hair to frame the face. You can also braid the side of your hair and put your hair up into a side pony, for a fun, free-spirited look.IMG_3497


6. Make a date. I may not be able to do rhassoul clay washes weekly, but I schedule a monthly date in my calendar and make sure my husband or another family member is around to take the baby while I enjoy my little spa day. Sunday is usually the best day for this.

There you have it, my simple tips to keeping healthy hair when you’re busy and low on time.

What would you add to this list?

Color And Lo-po Hair: BFFs?

Thinking about coloring my hair, but am afraid of damage? At the same time, I think my low porosity hair might benefit from color more than someone with high porosity hair. Note: I’m not advising you to bleach or dye it a new color every week or even color it. This is just my crazy obsession at the moment. For some reason, I’m thinking a gentle semi-permanent or permanent dark color might result in moisturized hair, granted I take appropriate steps (condition, condition, deep condition).

I’ve been toying with the idea for the past few months of dying my hair medium brown or a dark reddish brown. My hair is already in this family shade, but I’d like to have a more intense shade of brown.

I’ve been doing a little reading and from what I’ve read, permanent hair dye has an alkaline PH ranging from 8-9. Semi permanent 7 (neutral) – 8. Hair color that uses bleach is very alkaline, ranging from 9 – 11. This makes sense, because in order for hair to accept color, the cuticles must be lifted. Since semi permanents have less need to penetrate the hair shaft (I.e. temporary color that fades with washes), the PH is neutral to slightly alkaline.

My experience with color and natural hair:
Two summers ago, I highlighted my natural hair. It didn’t damage it and I was sure to deep condition on a regular basis. However, since I had honey brown highlights, I had to bleach my strands to get it lighter. Personally, I wouldn’t do it again. While it didn’t do any damage, my hair felt slightly drier and I had to give it lots of TLC.

Now, you’re probably wondering why I’m sitting here toying with the idea of color…. Well bleach is much harsher on the hair and has a very alkaline PH. I think it’s more drastic to go a lot lighter than your hair color, rather within your color family or go darker.

I’m thinking if I do a medium brown or black…I’ll use lots of conditioner and deep (heat) conditioning during the application, to let moisture in and help the color take. Specifically, apply color and give it time to take then add a cone-free moisturizing conditioner on top of the dye letting it sit a bit, rinse, then deep condition with heat.

I noticed my highlights can sometimes look frizzy, which I enjoy in summer, as it gives a sun dyed, beach bum kind of vibe. However, I’m thinking a deep brown should impart shine. As, low porosity hair, when properly moisturized, is often very healthy and shiny. It’s particularly shiny when it’s a dark color. (Ref:

So if and when I take the plunge, I’ll be sure to keep you updated. I definitely need to do more research first though.

Any readers have recommendations for gentle color systems? Ever dye your hair, if so what color? What was your experience? Have I gone cray cray lol!? Sound off in the comments section.


