Rhassoul Quick Wash Recipe

I’m holed up in the bathroom right now, doing a quick deep conditioner, while baby girl is sleeping and daddy is entertaining the not so little peanut.

I write about rhassoul clay pretty much all the time. It’s the real MVP, an all around product that can be used as a facial cleanser, hair wash, deep conditioner, etc. I usually do a hair mask, but with two kids, applying the mask can take time. Making sure every strand is coated, letting it sit on my hair for a bit before proceeding with my routine. Now, I tend to do a rhassoul wash more than a hair mask, because it’s quicker and less messy, but mostly because it’s a short process. A rhassoul wash is my remplacement shampoo, so I always follow it up with a conditioner or deep conditioner, which isn’t always the case with the mask.

I thought I’d share my mixture for my wash. It differs a lot from the mask, because it’s mostly water and has more ACV. The goal with the wash is to cleanse the scalp. Although a minimal amount of rhassoul is used here, I still reap the benefits of soft, tangle free hair.

Rhassoul Quick Wash Recipe

  • 3/4 – 1c water
  • 2 TBSP ACV
  • 3 TBSP rhassoul

Apply to wet hair, close to the scalp, massage scalp in circular motions with the pads of your fingers, rinse and you can detangle as you’re rinsing if you’d like.

I followed this with a reverse oil rinse deep conditioner, which I’m doing right now as I write you.

Side note- I’ve gone through post-partum shedding before, but it seems much more severe this round, because my hair wasn’t as thick this pregnancy. Well, I’ll carry on deep conditioning the three strands of hair this pregnancy has left me. =)

Have you ever tried rhassoul clay? If so, what are your favorite ways to use it?

I’ll have some exciting news towards the end of this year. I can’t really share it with you now, although I’m itching to, but there will be some big changes happening for lowporosityhaircare.


Happy weekend!

2nd day hair pic (selfie and nursing —being a mom has made me a pro multi tasker). Just to show my post partum thinning. 


10 thoughts on “Rhassoul Quick Wash Recipe

  1. Hi! Congratulations on your new bundle! My baby boys are 2.5 and 9m old! I, too, have experienced WORSE pp-shedding on baby #2!!! It’s BAD! I always have known that I have low-po hair but something was missing… I just knew something I was doing was WRONG. Like VERY WRONG! So yesterday I googled low porosity hair care regimen and came across your blog! Because yesterday, I had leave in conditioner dust falling everywhere!!! It just sat on top of my hair and looked awful! So this morning I tried it your way by applying moisturizer to soaking wet hair, absorbing excess moisture with a microfiber towel, and sealing with oil, and WOW??? My hair is amazingly soft and not crunchy! HOURS AFTER STYLING!!! I was removing the water first and THEN applying moisture and my hair couldn’t get enough in time and will be crunchy right away. It just goes to show…I can have all the right “stuff” but if I’m using it incorrectly it will never work!!! It’s what I call on my blog: “User Error” LOL With 2 babies, my regimen has changed A LOT! I cut my hair in half literally! It’s the shortest it’s been in a decade! But I am appreciating the “break” from long hair. I mostly wear my hair in a high ponytail puff because it is so easy and takes very little time. And it keeps me from constantly witnessing the shedding! I don’t put anything on my scalp or edges at all in terms of styler. I quit trying to have picture perfect hair daily. Good enough is Good ENOUGH! Hahaha! I look forward to more tips! I purchased rhassoul clay today! I did water “only” hair washing method, so I’m trying to transition back into that. Your tips will surely help me get there! Thanks for your blog! I appreciate you MUCH! Thanks again!

  2. Hi! Congratulations on your new bundle! My baby boys are 2.5 and 9m old! I, too, have experienced WORSE pp-shedding on baby #2!!! It’s BAD! I always have known that I have low-po hair but something was missing… I just knew something I was doing was WRONG. Like VERY WRONG! So yesterday I googled low porosity hair care regimen and came across your blog! Because yesterday, I had leave in conditioner dust falling everywhere!!! It just sat on top of my hair and looked awful! So this morning I tried it your way by applying moisturizer to soaking wet hair, absorbing excess moisture with a microfiber towel, and sealing with oil, and WOW??? My hair is amazingly soft and not crunchy! HOURS AFTER STYLING!!! I was removing the water first and THEN applying moisture and my hair couldn’t get enough in time and will be crunchy right away. It just goes to show…I can have all the right “stuff” but if I’m using it incorrectly it will never work!!! It’s what I call on my blog: “User Error” LOL With 2 babies, my regimen has changed A LOT! I cut my hair in half literally! It’s the shortest it’s been in a decade! But I am appreciating the “break” from long hair. I mostly wear my hair in a high ponytail puff because it is so easy and takes very little time. And it keeps me from constantly witnessing the shedding! I don’t put anything on my scalp or edges at all in terms of styler. I quit trying to have picture perfect hair daily. Good enough is Good ENOUGH! Hahaha! I look forward to more tips! I purchased rhassoul clay today! I did water “only” hair washing method, so I’m trying to transition back into that. Your tips will surely help me get there! Thanks for your blog! I appreciate you MUCH! Thanks again!

    • Wow! Thank you so much for this comment. I completely understand “good enough” hair styles. I too wear my hair pulled back a lot, but have to be careful not to put too much strain on my edges, because of beloved postpartum shedding. I’d be interested in hearing how the water only method worked on your low porosity hair. Do you blog about it?

      • Yes I do! I have a YouTube Channel “Farasue’s Garden” where I’m detailing how I started and loved it. Then I tried to go back to what I was doing before and my hair went BONKERS! So I am back at it and my hair is at peace again! The Rhassoul Clay worked miracles on my hair and I made a YouTube video and posted a link to your blog about it! Thanks very much!

  3. Well despite only having three strands of hair left, your hair is looking pretty great there!

    Rhassoul clay has been on my to buy list for ages. It sounds amazing.

    I was wondering if you had ever tried one of these?:


    Unfortunately, this model seems to be unavailable everywhere, but I thought it sounded like a really useful thing for a low porosity girl to have.

    Looking forward to hearing the exciting news! 🙂

    • You’re too kind, thank you. I just bought this model this summer in the States and am really enjoying it. I’ve had regular bonnet attachments, which you can find at most stores, those work fine too. This one is great bc of the chin strap and large bonnet size. Hope you get your hands on some rhassoul soon!

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