Upcoming Post: Bentonite Clay


I finally got my hands on some bentonite clay. Many readers have asked my opinion on it and now I’ll finally be able to give it. I’ll be reporting my results and doing a comparison on rhassoul and bentonite clays later on this week. In the meantime, I’m washing my hair for the second time this week— what?? This is a rare occurrence for me, but I couldn’t wait to try the clay.

Do you prefer rhassoul or bentonite?

5 thoughts on “Upcoming Post: Bentonite Clay

  1. I like both for gaffe rent reasons. If I had to choose just one, it would be Rhassoul. It leaves my hair softer and my curls more defined. I mix mine with a little Dutched cocoa.

  2. I am not sure which one I learned of first, but I started with bentonite clay. I was amazed by what it did for my coarser strands. I really fell in love with rhassoul clay and love to add the rhassoul and cocoa ganache cubes from Cream & Coco. I really want to try the cubes by Anita Grant so badly. I also add cocoa butter, shea butter, and other ingredients.

    Rhassoul is more moisturizing, while bentonite clay detoxes more. Rhassoul is my top choice, eve though I’ve been using quite a lot of bentonite clay on the Max Hydration Method, I still used the rhassoul too. I need to buy more, buying bulk and less than $9.99 a pound.

    • Thanks so much for this insightful feedback. Spoiler alert before my review: I prefer my rhassoul, but like what bentonite does as a gentle, cleanser. I’ve never heard of Cream & Coco ganache cubes, sounds cool. Have you done a review on them? I don’t think I’ll get around to trying the MHM, but would like to if I have a spare moment.

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